Aluminum Chamber Bodies
Electroless Nickel Deposition
- Strong corrosion barrier to water base inks and coatings.
- Easy to clean
- Can turn black as amines
- in ink react with the coating itself. Black is not a sign of barrier failure
- Has important pH Limits:High Limit pH 10.5
- Low Limit pH 5.5
- Not to be used in conjunction with heavy abrasives or hard scrappers
Hard Coat Anodize/ Teflon Hybrid
- Stronger corrosion barrier to water base inks and coatings.
- Easier cleaning due to Teflon inclusion
- Natural color is dark grey and will not change.
- Can be made dark black and be stable in color
- Much harder surface is less prone to scratching and abrasion
- pH limits are 5.0 – 11.5